Make Memes

Wanna make memes? Great, because community creation of memes is vital to the success of Cats•In•The•Sats! Even if you don’t have access to or know how to use Photoshop, here are some simple ways to create memes:

Step 1: Make a meme, using one of these free resources:

ImgFlip: customizable cat memes for days

Corcel: A free AI text-to-image generator from Bittensor ($TAO)

GifMemes: Make Gifs

Step 2: Please use this site to put this logo on your meme to help with branding:

Overlay Image: To attach the logo to help branding

Below are all the assets we have available to the public to help you spread the word of Cats•In•The•Sats! We’d love to see your work, and if you tag us on Twitter @catsinthesats1 and we like it, we’ll probably repost it!